State Funds Grant Program


The 2024-2025 State Funds Grant Program is a $9.5 million state-appropriated funding to support capacity-building products and processes of FAFCC members. The purpose is to improve effectiveness, efficiency, and service expansion, improving access to care for the uninsured. The Notification of Funding Availability (NOFA) along with all details and information related to the grant program can be found here.

   Grant Deadline 

The 24-25 State Funds Grant Cycle is currently underway and all funds have been awarded. Review the 2024-25 Grant Cycle timeline and the Google Calendar for important dates. (These dates may be subject to change.)

Visit the Reporting Guidance page for information on the reports and due dates.

   Grant Platform

All applications and reporting will be done within the Salesforce portal.

Each clinic has one designated Project Liaison with access to the portal. If you need to designate a new Project Liaison, please contact

   Reallocation Request
Grant funds were awarded into three categories: personnel, programmatic, and operational. Grantees may request a reallocation of funds to better achieve their objectives and meet the June 30, 2025 spend-down deadline. Visit the Reporting Guidance Page for instructions.
   Informational Webinars

FAFCC will host informational webinars for applicants and grantees throughout the cycle and will post all recordings here.

See below for a recording of the July 16, 2024 Policies and Parameters Webinar. Grantees are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the content in this webinar and the NOFA before completing reports. (Click here to download the slides.)

Additional Resources

FAFCC will offer strategy sessions throughout the grant cycle, to assist with applications and reporting. Click here for a scheduler.

How do I access the Grant Application and Reports?

You will access grant materials through the Salesforce portal. Only one Project Liaison per organization will have a Salesforce login. 

What if I have questions regarding the content of the Grant Application and Reports?

We encourage all awardees to read the NOFA in its entirety, in addition to viewing all webinars. For further clarification, contact

Visit our YouTube Channel to view past webinars. 
The Salesforce Navigation webinar provided a demonstration of the grant application within the portal.