State Funds Grant Program


The 2024-2025 State Funds Grant Program is available to all FAFCC full members in good standing. The purpose is to support capacity-building products and processes of FAFCC members to improve effectiveness, efficiency, and service expansion. The Notification of Funding Availability (NOFA) along with all details and information related to the grant program can be found here. 

   Grant Deadline 

In order to be considered for the 24-25 State Funds Grant Cycle, eligible members must submit a complete grant proposal with all supporting documentation by Thursday, August 8, 2024.

All grantees are encouraged to review the NOFA and the education webinar below, prior to completing their application. 

   Grant Platform

The application is available within the Salesforce portal. (A PDF form of the application, to be used for review only, can be found here.)

Each clinic has one designated Project Liaison with access to the portal. Returning grantees will use their existing login credentials. If you need to designate a new Project Liaison, or if you are a new grantseeker, please contact for instructions on setting up your account.

   Award Notices

As this is a competitive grant process, applicants are NOT guaranteed funding. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, award agreements will be sent to awardees on Friday, September 13, 2024. Grantees will receive a link from DropBox Sign and will be required to review, sign, and submit the Executed Grant Agreement by Friday, September 20, 2024.

   Informational Webinars

FAFCC will host informational webinars for applicants and grantees throughout the cycle and will post all recordings here.

See below for a recording of the July 16, 2024 Policies and Parameters Webinar. Interested applicants are encouraged to watch this webinar and review the NOFA before completing their proposals. (Click here to download the slides.)

Additional previous recordings and slide decks can be found under Webinars on the sidebar.

Additional Resources

FAFCC will offer strategy sessions for the 2024-2025 grant cycle. Click here to schedule a time to meet with the Grant & Data Manager regarding your application.

How do I access the Grant Application?

You will access the Application through the Salesforce portal. Only one Project Liaison per organization will have a Salesforce login. 

What if I have questions regarding the content of the Grant Application?

We encourage all awardees to read the NOFA in its entirety, in addition to viewing all webinars and a copy of the application in PDF form. For further clarification, contact

When is the application deadline?

Applications for the State Funds Grant must be submitted by August 8, 2024. You can find a full calendar for the 2024-25 Grant Cycle here.

Late submissions will not be accepted.

The Salesforce Navigation webinar provided a demonstration of the grant application within the portal.
See below for the final reporting webinar for the 2023-24 Grant Cycle.(Download the slides)